
Showing posts from December, 2018

One should go to see the Ancient India-The Kailash Temple

The Ancient Kailasa Temple Some of the most incredible ancient monuments we see today remains the greatest archaeological mysteries of the 21st century and The Kailasha Temple is also one of these mysteries. Not only is it a mystery how ancient people managed to create The Kailasa temple –which is one of the largest rock-cut ancient Hindu temples in the world. Some people believes that this ancient temple is not possible to make just by  a hammer and chisel.They also belive there were some ancient technology at that time. You just compare these monument with today's senerio .If Today we start to make this type of Construction we  feel this is a tough work to complete within couples of year even when we have so advanced machine.So How could we imagine in ancient time people constructed the Kailasha Temple within 18 years with just Hammer and Chisel. The lots of things  like architecture planning, management of rain,flood and also fighting with enemies were  the...

One should go to see the Ancient India Caves -The Elephanta

Elephanta Caves     About 10 km  east of the Gateway of India in the Mumbai Harbour and less than 2 km  west of Jawaharlal Nehru Port we find ourself at a beautiful island named The Elephant or Gharapuri.We can get a ferry services from the Gateway of India to The Elephanta Caves.The Ferry starts 9am and 2pm everyday from Gateway of India except the Monday when Caves are closed.The nearest Airport and Railway Station in Mumbai. The Length of the Island is almost two and half kilometer with two hils that rise a height of about 500 feet.a narrow deep valley separates the two hills. Greenary forest are so beautiful nearby the caves.There are five rock-cut caves in the western hill and a brick stupa on the eastern hill. One of the hills has two Buddhist mounds, and is called the Stupa hill. Close to the five western hill caves, ther are Cave 6 and 7 on the eastern hill. The famous and significant cave is on the western hill and is called cave 1 or the great...

Why Govt deducts tax from My hard money

Every State, no matter it is related to North Poles or South Poles, needs fund for going concern of the Country. Every Country wants to make infrastructural Projects Like Highways, Pools,Flyovers,Railways, Educational Institutions for their people, hospitals for caring from diseases, Army for protecting the Borders etc etc. And I don't think so these activities are  free of Cost, they needs fund. But A Big Question arise here How the Government gets the fund. This is Common problem for every Country in world. Government have few options, they get the funds from running State-governed businesses. There are few example of this types of Country like Russia, North Korea or May be Cuba.These types of Countries take the all control of industries in their own hand. They Control the Natural resources like Mines, Oil field,  goods making factory. In the second types, Capitalist Countries are included, there are independence to their public to run the business and private se...

Popular Chanakya Neeti Quotes

Chanakya Neeti Quotes in Sanskrit कश्चित् कस्यचिन्मित्रं, न कश्चित् कस्यचित् रिपु:। अर्थतस्तु निबध्यन्ते, मित्राणि रिपवस्तथा ॥  भावार्थ : न कोई किसी का मित्र है और न ही शत्रु, कार्यवश ही लोग मित्र और शत्रु बनते हैं । Chanakya Neeti Quotes in Sanskrit मूर्खशिष्योपदेशेन दुष्टास्त्रीभरणेन च। दुःखितैः सम्प्रयोगेण पण्डितोऽप्यवसीदति॥  भावार्थ : मूर्ख शिष्य को पढ़ाने पर , दुष्ट स्त्री के साथ जीवन बिताने पर तथा दुःखियों- रोगियों के बीच में रहने पर विद्वान व्यक्ति भी दुःखी हो ही जाता है । Chanakya Neeti Quotes in Sanskrit दुष्टा भार्या शठं मित्रं भृत्यश्चोत्तरदायकः। ससर्पे गृहे वासो मृत्युरेव न संशयः॥  भावार्थ : दुष्ट पत्नी , शठ मित्र , उत्तर देने वाला सेवक तथा सांप वाले घर में रहना , ये मृत्यु के कारण हैं इसमें सन्देह नहीं करनी चाहिए । Chanakya Neeti Quotes in Sanskrit धनिकः श्रोत्रियो राजा नदी वैद्यस्तु पञ्चमः। पञ्च यत्र न विद्यन्ते न तत्र दिवसे वसेत ॥  भावार्थ : जहां कोई सेठ, वेदपाठी विद्वान, राजा और वैद्य न हो, जहां कोई नदी न हो, इन पांच स्थानों पर एक दिन भी नहीं रहना चाह...

Popular Bhagwad Gita Shalok that will effectively change your life forever

Bhagwad Gita Slokas                                                                             यो न हृष्यति न द्वेष्टि न शोचति न काङ्‍क्षति। शुभाशुभपरित्यागी भक्तिमान्यः स मे प्रियः॥12.17॥ Transliteration of Bhagwad Gita Slokas Yo na hrishyati na dveshti na shochti na kankshti Shubhashubha-parityagi bhaktimanyah sa me priyah भावार्थ (Means in Hindi): जो न कभी हर्षित होता है, न द्वेष करता है, न शोक करता है, न कामना करता है तथा जो शुभ और अशुभ सम्पूर्ण कर्मों का त्यागी है- वह भक्तियुक्त पुरुष मुझको प्रिय है । Translation of Bhagwad Gita Slokas in english One who rejoices not,dislikes not,grieves not,and desires not...

The Story of Menaka and the relationship with Vishwamitra

Menaka Trying to break the Meditaion of Rishi Vishwamitra When Ocean was churned by Asuras and Devas, then lot of thing came out from the depth of the ocean, An Upsara(Beautifyl lady) also came from the depth of Ocean. Her name was Menaka.She was a beauti with brain.She was a reputed dancer in the heaven.Vishwamitra, one of the most respected Rishi (sages) in ancient India, frightened the gods in heaven and even tried to create another heaven- Indra, frightened by his powers, sent Menaka from heaven to earth to lure him and break his meditation. Menaka succeeded in the task which was handed over to her by Indra. And She succeeded in breaking the meditation of Vishwamitra. And Both of them are loved each other  and  from their relationship a baby was born who later grew in the Rishi Kanva's Ashram and came to be called Shakuntala. Once the King of Puru dynesty was come to hunting in the Jungle ,then he saw the the Beautiful lady who was Shakuntala.Later Shakuntala f...

The Story of Brahmarishi Vishwamitra

Brahmarishi Vishwamitra  is one of the most respected rishis or righ-minded of ancient India. He is the participantant in writting of  the Rigveda, including Gayatri Mantra. The Ancient literature mentioned  that only 24 rishis since antiquity have understood the whole meaning of Gayatri Mantra. There  are the assumption that Vishwamitra was the first, and Yajnavalkya the last. The story of Vishwamitra is written  in the Balakanda of Valmiki Ramayana. Also  relationship of Vishwamitra and Menaka mentioned in Mahabharata and  also mentioned that the relationship of Maharishi Vishwamitra and Upsara Menaka resulted a baby girl who called after , Shakuntala, whose story is narrated in Adi Parva of Mahabharata. In Valmiki Ramayana ,Verse 51 of Balakanda, there is a story metioned about the Vishwamitra. There is mentioned that  Vishwamitra  was a king in ancient India, also called Kaushika (descendant of Kusha) and belonged to Amavasu Dynasty....

The Story of Shantanu and Bhisma

शांतनु जिसका पिछले जन्म में  नाम महाभिषक था। महाभिषक  ने अपने आप को सिद्धस्त मनुष्य साबित करके ख्याति प्राप्त की और इंद्रलोक में उनको आमंत्रित किया गया और वो वहाँ चले गए थे। जब वह इंद्र दरबार में अपने स्थान पर बैठे थे, तभी देवी गंगा वहां आईं और देवी गंगा  पल भर के लिए बेखबर हुईं तो उनका पल्लू गिर गया और अनजाने में उनके शरीर का ऊपरी भाग नग्न हो गया। इन्द्रलोक की आचार संहिता के अनुसार  सभी व्यक्तियों  ने अपनी आंखें नीची कर लीं, लेकिन महाभिषक  देवी गंगा को घुरते रहे।  इस असभ्य आचरण  को देखकर इंद्र क्रोधित हो गए और महाभिषक से कहा, ‘तुम इंद्रलोक में रहने के योग्य नहीं हो। तुम्हें धरती पर वापिस जाना होगा और फिर से मनुष्यरूप में जन्म लेना होगा।’ महाभिषक  द्वारा ऐसा देखने से गंगा को भी प्रशन्ता हुई यह जानकार इन्द्र के क्रोध में ओर वृद्धि हो गई और अब महाभिषक के साथ-साथ गंगा को भी यह आदेश दे दिया गया की वो भी मनुष्य  रूप में पृथ्वी पर निवास करे।  जब तुम लोग अपनी सज्ज़ा से मुक्त हो जाओगे तो तुम फिर से इंद्रलोक आ सकते हो। शांतनु...