One should go to see the Ancient India-The Kailash Temple

The Ancient Kailasa Temple

Some of the most incredible ancient monuments we see today remains the greatest archaeological mysteries of the 21st century and The Kailasha Temple is also one of these mysteries. Not only is it a mystery how ancient people managed to create The Kailasa temple –which is one of the largest rock-cut ancient Hindu temples in the world. Some people believes that this ancient temple is not possible to make just by  a hammer and chisel.They also belive there were some ancient technology at that time. You just compare these monument with today's senerio .If Today we start to make this type of Construction we  feel this is a tough work to complete within couples of year even when we have so advanced machine.So How could we imagine in ancient time people constructed the Kailasha Temple within 18 years with just Hammer and Chisel. The lots of things  like architecture planning, management of rain,flood and also fighting with enemies were  there at that time during making this . If you get the opportunuity to see the Temple you can better understand what i want to say.

The Kailasha  temple is one of the largest Indian rock-cut ancient Hindu temples located in the Ellora Caves, District Aurangabad ,Maharashtra, India.It is considered one of the most remarkable cave temples in India because of its size, architecture and sculptural treatment.Archaeologists said and also confirmed that over 400,000 tons of rock had to be scooped out, which would have taken not years, but centuries of human labor. Historians have no record of such a tough task, and they think that it was built in less than 18 years. The Kailasa temple situated in Cave 16 is one of the 34 cave temples and monasteries known collectively as the Ellora Caves.

Factual History

So Now we are going with historian fact(which is doubtfull I think so. already explained the reason above).The  lacks a dedicatory inscription regarding The Kailasha Temple, but there is no doubt that it was commissioned by a Rashtrakuta ruler King Krishna first(756-773 CE).
 Karkaraja II (a ruler of a Rashtrakuta branch of Gujarat) mentioned in  Copper plate inscription that  the grant of a village in present-day Gujarat. It mentions Krishnaraja as the patron of Kailasanatha, and also mentions a Shiva temple at Elora. It stated that the king constructed a temple so wondrous that even the gods and the architect were surprised to see it after completion. Most scholars believe that this is a reference to the Kailasa Shiva temple at Elora.

However,Some of the Archeologist don't want to give  the attribution of the temple to Krishna I completely with certainty because these epigraphs are not physically connected to the caves, and do not date Krishnaraja's reign. Moreover, the land grants issued by Krishna's successors do not contain any references to the Kailsa temple.

And if you see and observe you find that there are various architural style to make Kailasa temple that represent it was a time consuming task (which is already mentioned above why) and  features the use of multiple distinct architectural and sculptural styles.So Researchers are not assured  that a single king had made it.M.K. Dhavalikar, a notable Indian historian, and archaeologist, author of the book ‘Ellora’, suggests the shrines and the Kailasa temple were not excavated at the same time but are the result of a construction process that belongs to a number of different periods. Due to its huge size, some researchers have to believe that its construction spanned the reigns of multiple kings.
And Now See the Images and make your opinion and what you think about it. Will be appreciated for your valuable comment.



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